
U.S. Senate resolution calls softening treatment "Buy American" program

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The United States Senate, Barack Obama on economic stimulus plan relates to "buy American goods" projects to a vote, and ultimately passed a resolution asking the Government to soften the deal in the scheme. "Buy American" is Obama raised 900 billion U.S. dollars to stimulate an important component of the program, but Obama had previously expressed concern that the plan might lead to international trade, and expressed the hope that Congress will modify the contents of the original plan. Senators by voice vote approved an amendment to the amendment after the statement with the United States to disrupt trade relations between Canada and the European Union's "Buy American" program must be "consistent with international trade Act the obligation of the United States." Prior to the "Buy American" plan stipulates that any U.S. government economic incentives, including infrastructure construction, large-scale public works construction projects, the United States must use its own production of iron and steel and building materials. This provision is clearly contrary to the rules of international trade, but also runs counter to the United States on the North American Free Trade Area of the commitments made

